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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Welgome Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, is the single hub for trips to any destinations within Mongolia. The city hosts the only international airport of the country and the single international rail line - the Trans Siberian railway goes across the city from the north to the south. Ulaanbaatar, where 1 million people out of Mongolia's 2.8 million population, is the country's economic, cultural and political center and has a number of tourist attractions and hosts the most varied types of entertainment.
Ulaanbaatar is located on the bank of the Tuul River and surrounded by four sacred mountains with dense pine forests on the northern slopes and grassy steppes on the south. Mostly described, as sunny, peaceful and open, Ulaanbaatar is a city of contrast where modern life comfortably blends with Mongolian traditional lifestyle. Wide streets are flocked by modern cars, while horsemen and cattle are still common scene. Though modern buildings characterize the city center, visitors arriving either from the Buyant-Uhaa airport or by train to the main railway would not fail to notice thousands of traditional Mongolian "Gers" in the vicinity, an area referred to by locals as "ger district".

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